Monday, February 21, 2011


I had never really focused on the idea of the Disney dominated Cel style animation, and the sort of underground experimental animation world and their clashish ideas and styles. True when I think of animation the world of picture perfect bugs bunny animation dominates my mind. Though when I think of this style of animation, it all seems pretty mundane and dull. The reading pointed out why this is the case and then brought out the ideas used by more "experimental" animators. It seems that Disney animation is more concerned with a realist style and seldom designs to point out the textures and realities of the animated process. Other styles of animations however, are concerned with using animation to its full capabilites and making decisions that exhibit reflexive ideahs.

I find the latter style for more complex and interesting. Filmmakers of this platform use different materials and challenge the usual approached to story and structure. Its also interesting to note how far more personal this style of animation is. Instead of making decisions to support a textbook narrative or simple character, the decisions can be used to serve the goals and feelings of the animator.

I'm excited to try out the multi-plane animation as I have very little experience with animation. Our group is more or less just bringing in a bunch of food so we will have a lot of room for creative decisions.

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